This series tells the adventures of Jim, Joe, and Tom Darlington, first in their camp wagon as they follow the trail to the great West in the early days. They are real American boys, resourceful, humorous, and-but you must meet them. You will find them interesting company. They meet with thrilling adventures and encounters, and stirring incidents are the rule, not exception.
This series tells the adventures of Jim, Joe, and Tom Darlington, first in their camp wagon as they follow the trail to the great West in the early da...
This series tells the adventures of Jim, Joe, and Tom Darlington, first in their camp wagon as they follow the trail to the great West in the early days. They are real American boys, resourceful, humorous, and-but you must meet them. You will find them interesting company. They meet with thrilling adventures and encounters, and stirring incidents are the rule, not exception.
This series tells the adventures of Jim, Joe, and Tom Darlington, first in their camp wagon as they follow the trail to the great West in the early da...
This collection of literature attempts to compile many of the classic works that have stood the test of time and offer them at a reduced, affordable price, in an attractive volume so that everyone can enjoy them.
This collection of literature attempts to compile many of the classic works that have stood the test of time and offer them at a reduced, affordable p...
"Your cayuse is quiet as a lamb now, isn't he, Jo," inquired Jim. "He ought to be by this time," I replied. "You wouldn't expect him to buck all the way through New Mexico, I hope." "It's funny how he began to act up," remarked Tom, "just as soon as we got out of Colorado." "Maybe he doesn't like getting away from the country of his own tribe," I said; "He's a regular little Injun I can tell you that."
"Your cayuse is quiet as a lamb now, isn't he, Jo," inquired Jim. "He ought to be by this time," I replied. "You wouldn't expect him to buck all the w...
Juarez was sleepy, very sleepy. He had been traveling on a railroad train for several days, and while ordinarily he could adapt himself to circumstances, traveling by car instead of having a soothing influence as it does with some, seemed to keep him awake. He was thoroughly tired out, and was standing, just now, when our story opens, on dark and lonesome dock in San Francisco.
Juarez was sleepy, very sleepy. He had been traveling on a railroad train for several days, and while ordinarily he could adapt himself to circumstanc...
"What devilment has old Bill got on for tonight, Pete?" The speaker was seated on an old scarred sea chest in a dimly lighted forecastle. "I dunno," replied Pete, "maybe he's lookin' fer a wreck." "I heard the mate say somethin' about a passel of four boys," put in a third man who was laying back in his bunk, "that the skipper was a-lookin' for." "Kidnapping, eh?" said Cales, the first speaker. "Hold 'em for ransom, I suppose. Well, the old man has been in worse games than that. I reckon the kids' parents are rich and are willin' to pay a high price for their darlings."
"What devilment has old Bill got on for tonight, Pete?" The speaker was seated on an old scarred sea chest in a dimly lighted forecastle. "I dunno," r...
"By Jove, Jim " exclaimed Jo Darlington, "but this sea is something fierce For one I will be mighty glad when we get clear of the Hawaiian channels and out into the open." "It is lively going," yelled Jim, above the roar of the wind, as he and his brother Jo were standing together on the bridge of their ship, "but I guess the Sea Eagle will weather it, if we don't run into another vessel in the dark. How about it, Captain?"
"By Jove, Jim " exclaimed Jo Darlington, "but this sea is something fierce For one I will be mighty glad when we get clear of the Hawaiian channels a...