"The Semantics of Analogy" is the first book-length interpretive study in English of Thomas de Vio Cajetan's (1469?-1534) classic treatise on analogy. Written in 1498, "De Nominum Analogia" (On the Analogy of Names) has long been treated as Cajetan's attempt to systematize Aquinas's theory of analogy. A traditional interpretation regarded it as the official Thomistic treatise on analogy, but current scholarly consensus holds that Cajetan misinterpreted Aquinas and misunderstood the phenomenon of analogy.
Both approaches, argues Joshua P. Hochschild, ignore the philosophical and...
"The Semantics of Analogy" is the first book-length interpretive study in English of Thomas de Vio Cajetan's (1469?-1534) classic treatise on analo...
Description: Love Volume, Number 2, June 2012 Edited by David Matzko McCarthy and Joshua P. Hochschild Love: A Thomistic Analysis Diane Fritz Cates Movements of Love: A Thomistic Perspective on Eros and Agape William C. Mattison III Love and Poverty: Dorothy Day's Twofold Diakonia Margaret R. Pfeil What's Love Got to Do With It? Situating a Theological Virtue in the Practice of Medicine Brian E. Volck Adoption and the Goods of Birth Holly Taylor Coolman Natural Law and the Language of Love Charles Pinchas and David Matzko McCarthy Review Essay: Love and Recent Developments in Moral Theology...
Description: Love Volume, Number 2, June 2012 Edited by David Matzko McCarthy and Joshua P. Hochschild Love: A Thomistic Analysis Diane Fritz Cates Mo...
Claude Panaccio Joshua P. Hochschild Meredith K. Ziebart
The notion that human thought is structured like a language, with a precise syntax and semantics, has been pivotal in recent philosophy of mind. Yet it is not a new idea: it was systematically explored in the fourteenth century by William of Ockham and became central in late medieval philosophy. Mental Language examines the background of Ockham's innovation by tracing the history of the mental language theme in ancient and medieval thought. Panaccio identifies two important traditions: one philosophical, stemming from Plato and Aristotle, and the other theological, rooted in the Fathers of...
The notion that human thought is structured like a language, with a precise syntax and semantics, has been pivotal in recent philosophy of mind. Yet i...