The contributors to Best Practices in Quantitative Methods envision quantitative methods in the 21st century, identify the best practices, and, where possible, demonstrate the superiority of their recommendations empirically. Editor Jason W. Osborne designed this book with the goal of providing readers with the most effective, evidence-based, modern quantitative methods and quantitative data analysis across the social and behavioral sciences.
The text is divided into five main sections covering select best practices in Measurement, Research...
The contributors to Best Practices in Quantitative Methods envision quantitative methods in the 21st century, identify the best pract...
Jason W. Osborne's Best Practices in Logistic Regression provides students with an accessible, applied approach that communicates logistic regression in clear and concise terms. The book effectively leverages readers' basic intuitive understanding of simple and multiple regression to guide them into a sophisticated mastery of logistic regression. Osborne's applied approach offers students and instructors a clear perspective, elucidated through practical and engaging tools that encourage student comprehension. Best Practices in Logistic Regression explains logistic regression in a concise and...
Jason W. Osborne's Best Practices in Logistic Regression provides students with an accessible, applied approach that communicates logistic regression ...
This book provides conceptual, user-friendly coverage of the generalized linear model (GLM). Themes covered include testing assumptions, examining data quality, and nonlinear and non-additive effects modelled within different types of linear models.
This book provides conceptual, user-friendly coverage of the generalized linear model (GLM). Themes covered include testing assumptions, examining dat...