A Charmed Life tells the story of Liza Campbell, the last child to be born at the impressive and renowned Cawdor Castle, the same locale featured in Shakespeare's Macbeth. It was at the historical ancestral home that Liza's seemingly idyllic fairytale childhood began to resemble a nightmare. Increasingly overwhelmed by his enormous responsibilities, Liza's father Hugh, the twenty-fifth Thane of Cawdor, tipped into madness fueled by drink, drugs, and extramarital affairs. Over the years, the castle was transformed into an arena of reckless extravagance and terrifying...
A Charmed Life tells the story of Liza Campbell, the last child to be born at the impressive and renowned Cawdor Castle, the same locale fea...
Liza Campbell was the last child to be born at Cawdor Castle, as featured in "Macbeth". Her father Hugh, the 25th Thane of Cawdor, inherited good looks, wealth, an ancient title, three stately homes and 100,000 acres of land. But increasingly overwhelmed b
Liza Campbell was the last child to be born at Cawdor Castle, as featured in "Macbeth". Her father Hugh, the 25th Thane of Cawdor, inherited good look...