This book is a study of As You Like It, which shows how the play represents issues of interest to literate playgoers of its time, as well as speculatively to Shakespeare himself.
This book is a study of As You Like It, which shows how the play represents issues of interest to literate playgoers of its time, as well as speculati...
This is the first book-length analysis of Shakespeare s depiction of specula (mirrors) to reveal the literal and allegorical functions of mirrors in the playwright s art and thought. Adding a new dimension to the plays Troilus and Cressida, Julius Caesar, Macbeth, Hamlet, King Henry the Fifth, Love s Labor s Lost, A Midsummer Night s Dream, and All s Well That Ends Well, Maurice A. Hunt also references mirrors in a wide range of external sources, from the Bible to demonic practices. Looking at the concept of speculation through its multiple meanings - cognitive, philosophical, hypothetical,...
This is the first book-length analysis of Shakespeare s depiction of specula (mirrors) to reveal the literal and allegorical functions of mirrors in t...
This book is a study of As You Like It, which shows how the play represents issues of interest to literate playgoers of its time, as well as speculatively to Shakespeare himself.
This book is a study of As You Like It, which shows how the play represents issues of interest to literate playgoers of its time, as well as speculati...