This book provides new ways of thinking about educational processes, using quantitative and qualitative methodologies. Ultimately, it aims at expanding knowledge itself - altering the centre by allowing the margins to inform it - allowing it to be extended to include those ways of knowing that have historically been unexplored or ignored.
This book provides new ways of thinking about educational processes, using quantitative and qualitative methodologies. Ultimately, it aims at expandin...
As eighteen-year-old Cheryl Hunter escapes rural Colorado for the bright lights of Europe, she does so with nothing more than an over-packed suitcase and a dream. Once there, her mind is bent on solving one problem alone: how does a small-town cowgirl pull off the feat of becoming an international supermodel? When Cheryl is abducted, raped and brutally beaten instead, she is faced with solving a much bigger problem: how does she survive? Using her journey of rising from the ashes as fuel, Hunter delivers a step-by-step method that can be applied by anyone who has ever dealt with...
As eighteen-year-old Cheryl Hunter escapes rural Colorado for the bright lights of Europe, she does so with nothing more than an over-packed suitcase ...
Institutions of higher education are keen to improve teachers' intercultural experiences, communication, and understanding, but offer few resources for bringing the research literature to direct application in teacher education programs. This volume addresses that gap by examining what intercultural exchanges in teacher education look like, why they are important, and how they can be maintained. The authors examine how socio-cultural beliefs, institutional structures, and external accreditation bodies interact in the process of interculturalization, highlighting the incentives and barriers...
Institutions of higher education are keen to improve teachers' intercultural experiences, communication, and understanding, but offer few resources...