This book is based on a doctoral thesis submitted to the University of Bern in thesummerof2002. Researchonthethesiswasmadepossiblethroughagrant provided by the Swiss National Science Foundation (SNF) from 2000 to 2002 foraprojectonthehistoryandepistemologyofscienti?cillustrations(Project No. 1152-059499). Gerd Graho? headed this programme at the University of Bern and made my reworking of the thesis into a book in English possible. He also provided the funding for the services of a professional copy editor (Margareta Simons, Bern)....
This book is based on a doctoral thesis submitted to the University of Bern in thesummerof2002. Researchonthethesiswasmadepossiblethroughagrant provid...
This book is based on a doctoral thesis submitted to the University of Bern in thesummerof2002. Researchonthethesiswasmadepossiblethroughagrant provided by the Swiss National Science Foundation (SNF) from 2000 to 2002 foraprojectonthehistoryandepistemologyofscienti?cillustrations(Project No. 1152-059499). Gerd Graho? headed this programme at the University of Bern and made my reworking of the thesis into a book in English possible. He also provided the funding for the services of a professional copy editor (Margareta Simons, Bern)....
This book is based on a doctoral thesis submitted to the University of Bern in thesummerof2002. Researchonthethesiswasmadepossiblethroughagrant provid...
QUELLEN Unsere Arbeit stutzt sich in weiten Teilen auf Originalquellen, die bisher noch kaum untersuchtwlirden. Ein Grossteil der Geschichte wurde anhand des umfangreichen Theodore-von-Karman-Nachlasses rekonstruiert, der Teil des Archivbestandes des California Institute o/Technology ist. Der gesamte Nachlass - etwa 150000 Seiten - stand den Autoren uber die Dauer des Projektes in Form von Mikrofiches zur Verfugung. Es wurden daraus samt- liche Dokumente uber Karmans Bruder Mikl6s eingesehen, weiterhin jene uber das EMD sowie uber zahlreiche Personen aus dem wissenschaftlichen oder privaten...
QUELLEN Unsere Arbeit stutzt sich in weiten Teilen auf Originalquellen, die bisher noch kaum untersuchtwlirden. Ein Grossteil der Geschichte wurde anh...
Recounting the compelling story of a scientific discovery that took more than a century to complete, this trail-blazing monograph focuses on methodological issues and is the first to delve into this subject. This book charts how the biochemical and biophysical mechanisms of photosynthesis were teased out by succeeding generations of scientists, and the author highlights the reconstruction of the heuristics of modelling the mechanism--analyzed at both individual and collective levels.
Photosynthesis makes for an instructive example. The first tentative ideas were developed by organic...
Recounting the compelling story of a scientific discovery that took more than a century to complete, this trail-blazing monograph focuses on method...
-We wish to suggest a structure for the salt of deoxyribose nucleic acid (D.N.A.). This structure has novel features which are of considerable biological interest-, so lauten die ersten Satze des beruhmten Artikels aus dem Jahr 1953, in dem Francis Crick und James Watson eine Doppelhelix-Struktur fur die DNA vorschlugen. Diesen bahnbrechenden Vorschlag hatten sie in enger Verzahnung mit - und nicht immer legitimer Nutzung von - den Arbeiten von Maurice Wilkins und, vor allem, Rosalind Franklin entwickelt. In dem Buch werden die vier entscheidenden Aufsatze dieser Akteure gesammelt...
-We wish to suggest a structure for the salt of deoxyribose nucleic acid (D.N.A.). This structure has novel features which are of considerable biologi...