Fiction. Drama. Art. Shortlisted for The Guardian's 2016 Not the Booker prize. The "European anti-novel" in all its unrepentant glory is here in THE COMBINATIONS, following in the tradition of Sterne, Rabelais, Cervantes, Joyce, Perec.
In 8 octaves, 64 chapters and 888 pages, Louis Armand's THE COMBINATIONS is an unprecedented "work of attempted fiction" that combines the beauty & intellectual exertion that is chess with the panorama of futility & chaos that is Prague (a.k.a. "Golem City"), across the 20th-century and before/after. Golem City, the ship of fools boarded by the...
Fiction. Drama. Art. Shortlisted for The Guardian's 2016 Not the Booker prize. The "European anti-novel" in all its unrepentant glory is here in THE C...