Synopsis: Set in the Bay Area during the dot-com days of the late nineties, Soft Candy is the story of Saint Swithin McGuire-a Napa Valley concierge turned personal assistant to Dave Bennett, the CEO of Fueled by a massive step up in pay, blind bravado and company perks that'd make James Bond jealous, Saint Swithin quickly descends into the morally depleted excesses of underground dance communities, drugs and the San Francisco dot-com lifestyle. "For an ex dot-comer like me, the descriptions were dead on and immediately brought back memories. Down the rabbit hole I went,...
Synopsis: Set in the Bay Area during the dot-com days of the late nineties, Soft Candy is the story of Saint Swithin McGuire-a Napa Valley concierge t...
Disturbingly Normal is the story of Jonathan Normal, a moody, sensitive guy who picks up dead bodies for an Oakland, California, mortuary. One day, for reasons he doesn't understand, he "slips into a blur" while working. When he returns to his senses, he finds himself on the side of an isolated road with a receipt for an aluminum baseball bat in his pocket and a bludgeoned corpse at his side. Fired by the mortuary, Jonathan sets off on a prophetic journey of uncommon insight-slowly unfolding the dark reasons behind his uncharacteristically brutal act.
Disturbingly Normal is the story of Jonathan Normal, a moody, sensitive guy who picks up dead bodies for an Oakland, California, mortuary. One day, fo...