A trickster named Coyote rules her world, until a funny-looking stranger named Columbus changes her plans. Unimpressed by the wealth of moose, turtles, and beavers in Coyote's land, he'd rather figure out how to hunt human beings to sell back in Spain. Thomas King uses a bag of literary tricks to shatter the stereotypes surrounding Columbus's voyages. In doing so, he invites children to laugh with him at the crazy antics of Coyote, who unwittingly allows Columbus to engineer the downfall of his human friends. William Kent Monkman's vibrant illustrations perfectly complement this amusing...
A trickster named Coyote rules her world, until a funny-looking stranger named Columbus changes her plans. Unimpressed by the wealth of moose, turt...
They're going to tear down the most cherished building in your town for another strip mall. How do you stop it? Tom King, renowned expert on the heritage preservation process, explains to preservationists and other community activists the ins and outs of Section 106 of the National Historic Preservation Act--the major federal law designed to protect historic places--and how it can be used to protect special places in your community. King will show you the scope of the law, how it is often misinterpreted or ignored by government agencies and developers, and how to use its provisions to force...
They're going to tear down the most cherished building in your town for another strip mall. How do you stop it? Tom King, renowned expert on the herit...
They're going to tear down the most cherished building in your town for another strip mall. How do you stop it? Tom King, renowned expert on the heritage preservation process, explains to preservationists and other community activists the ins and outs of Section 106 of the National Historic Preservation Act--the major federal law designed to protect historic places--and how it can be used to protect special places in your community. King will show you the scope of the law, how it is often misinterpreted or ignored by government agencies and developers, and how to use its provisions to force...
They're going to tear down the most cherished building in your town for another strip mall. How do you stop it? Tom King, renowned expert on the herit...
In this fourth edition of the CRM classic, Thomas F. King shares his expertise in dealing with laws regulating the use of cultural resources. With wry insight, he explains the various federal, state, and local laws governing the protection of resources, how they have been interpreted, how they operate in practice, and even how they are sometimes in contradiction with each other. He provides helpful advice on how to ensure regulatory compliance in dealing with archaeological sites, historic buildings, urban districts, sacred sites and objects, shipwrecks, and archives. King also offers careful...
In this fourth edition of the CRM classic, Thomas F. King shares his expertise in dealing with laws regulating the use of cultural resources. With wry...
In this fourth edition of the CRM classic, Thomas F. King shares his expertise in dealing with laws regulating the use of cultural resources. With wry insight, he explains the various federal, state, and local laws governing the protection of resources, how they have been interpreted, how they operate in practice, and even how they are sometimes in contradiction with each other. He provides helpful advice on how to ensure regulatory compliance in dealing with archaeological sites, historic buildings, urban districts, sacred sites and objects, shipwrecks, and archives. King also offers careful...
In this fourth edition of the CRM classic, Thomas F. King shares his expertise in dealing with laws regulating the use of cultural resources. With wry...
This pragmatic guide to consultation in cultural heritage and environmental impact management distills decades of experience by two of the leading figures in this area. Claudia Nissley and Tom King reject the idea that consulting with communities and other stakeholders is merely checking off a box on the list of tasks required to implement a project. Instead, they show government agencies and project sponsors how to find the relevant parties, to discuss the project in an open and continuous fashion, to consider alternative strategies, and to seek agreement that meets everyone's needs. The...
This pragmatic guide to consultation in cultural heritage and environmental impact management distills decades of experience by two of the leading fig...
This pragmatic guide to consultation in cultural heritage and environmental impact management distills decades of experience by two of the leading figures in this area. Claudia Nissley and Tom King reject the idea that consulting with communities and other stakeholders is merely checking off a box on the list of tasks required to implement a project. Instead, they show government agencies and project sponsors how to find the relevant parties, to discuss the project in an open and continuous fashion, to consider alternative strategies, and to seek agreement that meets everyone's needs. The...
This pragmatic guide to consultation in cultural heritage and environmental impact management distills decades of experience by two of the leading fig...