The Tentative Assassin is a fast-paced thriller involving a physician's plot to murder the President of the United States using a rare viral infection. The doctor has his reasons. Dr. Sydney Fallon is the President's personal physician. He is also famous for his ground-breaking research into rare viruses. His job and his reputation are in jeopardy when his romance with the President's daughter goes south, the result of an unexpected pregnancy. The irate President promises to ruin Fallon and his unblemished medical reputation immediately upon their return from an upcoming trip to Africa. Even...
The Tentative Assassin is a fast-paced thriller involving a physician's plot to murder the President of the United States using a rare viral infection...
This book is a work of pure fiction born in the aftermath of the greatest terrorist assault on American soil. The central figure is a self-effacing theoretical physicist, a scientist with a brilliant mind. He goes about his daily business intentionally oblivious of the world around him and stumbles into a global spotlight, partly through his own naivete. The contrivances of others who have predetermined his potential also lure him out of obscurity because of a technological breakthrough he has made. His life's companion is the mirror image of his persona. An historian with stellar talent, she...
This book is a work of pure fiction born in the aftermath of the greatest terrorist assault on American soil. The central figure is a self-effacing th...
In "Like a Box of Chocolates" Costard has added twelve more short stories to his published repertoire that he would have preferred to have entitled Mixed Nuts because of the collection of eccentric characters who are his main characters. However, in a critical review of the original stories the collection was characterized metaphorically as "A Box of Chocolates. You never know what you're going to get until you bite into one " For example, the main character in "Obsession" is a hard-charging stockbroker, a flaming obsessive compulsive control freak who is straight out of the Diagnostic and...
In "Like a Box of Chocolates" Costard has added twelve more short stories to his published repertoire that he would have preferred to have entitled Mi...
A beautiful young woman washes up with the tide on Folly Beach, one of South Carolina's most pristine beaches, on a bitter cold New Year's Day. Or did she wash up with the tide? Doctor Jake Weber, the assistant coroner for Charleston County, figures out, quickly, that she was put there. He is sure she didn't fall off of a boat and drown. His forensic investigation leads him into the underbelly of an otherwise peaceful community. His findings rock the seats of corrupt power. After his boss pays with his life for his role in the matter he discovers that Peggy, a woman he has befriended through...
A beautiful young woman washes up with the tide on Folly Beach, one of South Carolina's most pristine beaches, on a bitter cold New Year's Day. Or did...
Prophet of the New Dawn is mostly a sea story. Solomon and Elijah Benoit born to a life of commercial fishing are extraordinary young men, caught in the throes of economic upheaval. A corrupt member of government suckers them into running arms to America's enemies. They survive hijacking and storms at sea but fall victims to a grievous plague brought aboard their vessel. The story line features the intrigue of bio-terrorism and begins with the grounding of a derelict tramp ship on the North Jetty at the entrance to Charleston harbor, South Carolina. Doctor Jake Weber and his wife, both...
Prophet of the New Dawn is mostly a sea story. Solomon and Elijah Benoit born to a life of commercial fishing are extraordinary young men, caught in t...