Johann Paul Schor (1615-1674), born in Austria, became known as a very creative and independent assistant to Bernini and da Cortona in Rome. His monumental frescoes, drawings, objets dart, as well as event productions, played a major role in the spread of the Roman Baroque throughout Europe. German text. Der aus Innsbruck gebuertige Johann Paul Schor (1615-1674), der sich als hochst kreativer und eigenstandiger Mitarbeiter Gianlorenzo Berninis und Pietro da Cortonas in Rom einen Namen machte, begeisterte seine Zeitgenossen als Schopfer monumentaler Freskomalereien, begnadeter Zeichner,...
Johann Paul Schor (1615-1674), born in Austria, became known as a very creative and independent assistant to Bernini and da Cortona in Rome. His monum...