EU internal security concerns such as migration, police and judicial cooperation are today part of EU foreign policy. This book shows how those concerns have taken over the EU agenda towards Mediterranean countries. Adopting a rational-choice institutionalist approach, it explores EU policy in the region since the turn of this century. Findings provide clues on how to re-design EU policies towards the region following the 2011 Arab revolts. Investigating the cases of border management, counter-terrorism and rule of law promotion through the lens of a rational-choice-historical...
EU internal security concerns such as migration, police and judicial cooperation are today part of EU foreign policy. This book shows how those concer...
This book proposes to cast some theoretical and empirical light upon the external dimension of Justice and Home Affairs (JHA) which has become a priority in the European Union (EU)'s external relations. Counter-terrorism, visa policy, drug trafficking, organized crime or border controls have indeed become daily business in EU's relations with the rest of the world. The external dimension of JHA is a persistent policy objective of the EU and its member states, as the 1999 Tampere summit conclusions, the 2000 Coreper report, the 2005 Strategy for the External Dimension of JHA, and the...
This book proposes to cast some theoretical and empirical light upon the external dimension of Justice and Home Affairs (JHA) which has become a prior...
PPP haben sich in Deutschland und international als wunschenswerte Beschaffungsalternative der Offentlichen Hand etabliert. Dabei spielt vor allem die Kosteneffizienz gegenuber der Eigenerstellung durch die Offentliche Hand eine Rolle. Aber bewirtschaften private Unternehmen staatlich geschutzte Monopole auf Zeit wirklich effizient? Und wenn ja, wie viel effizienter konnte dann eine marktliche Bereitstellung sein? Erwirtschaften PPP wirklich Mehrwert fur den Burger oder sind sie verstecktes Mittel zusatzlicher Besteuerung? Und sind (beinahe) insolvente offentliche Haushalte wirklich...
PPP haben sich in Deutschland und international als wunschenswerte Beschaffungsalternative der Offentlichen Hand etabliert. Dabei spielt vor al...