Network ?ow optimization problems may arise in a wide variety of important ?elds, such as transportation, telecommunication, computer networking, ?nancial planning, logistics and supply chain management, energy systems, etc. Signi?cant and elegant results have been achieved onthetheory, algorithms, andapplications, ofnetwork?owoptimization in the past few decades; See, for example, the seminal books written by Ahuja, Magnanti and Orlin (1993), Bazaraa, Jarvis and Sherali (1990), Bertsekas (1998), Ford and Fulkerson (1962), Gupta (1985), Iri (1969), Jensen and Barnes (1980), Lawler (1976), and...
Network ?ow optimization problems may arise in a wide variety of important ?elds, such as transportation, telecommunication, computer networking, ?nan...
Network ?ow optimization problems may arise in a wide variety of important ?elds, such as transportation, telecommunication, computer networking, ?nancial planning, logistics and supply chain management, energy systems, etc. Signi?cant and elegant results have been achieved onthetheory, algorithms, andapplications, ofnetwork?owoptimization in the past few decades; See, for example, the seminal books written by Ahuja, Magnanti and Orlin (1993), Bazaraa, Jarvis and Sherali (1990), Bertsekas (1998), Ford and Fulkerson (1962), Gupta (1985), Iri (1969), Jensen and Barnes (1980), Lawler (1976), and...
Network ?ow optimization problems may arise in a wide variety of important ?elds, such as transportation, telecommunication, computer networking, ?nan...