V monografii rassmatrivayutsya voprosy mezhdunarodnogo mirotvorchestva: ot idey o "vechnom" mire do sovremennykh mirotvorcheskikh protsessov nachala XXI veka. Osoboe vnimanie v rabote udelyaetsya uyasneniyu deystvitel'noy roli Rossiyskoy Federatsii v mezhdunarodnom mirotvorchestve pod egidoy OON, delaetsya popytka formirovaniya natsional'noy strategii uchastiya Rossii v mezhdunarodnom mirotvorchestve, opredeleniya putey razvitiya ee natsional'noy mirotvorcheskoy kontseptsii.
V monografii rassmatrivayutsya voprosy mezhdunarodnogo mirotvorchestva: ot idey o "vechnom" mire do sovremennykh mirotvorcheskikh protsessov nachala X...
This book is focused on a very successful private hospital group which consists of thirteen acute hospitals in Switzerland. This case study analyses the current strategic position and evaluates sustainable strategies to remain highly competitive also in a more dynamic market. Swiss health care is confronted with fundamental changes. On the one hand, there are increasing costs in patient treatments caused by innovative technology with new high-capacity medical devices. On the other hand, hospitals will have decreasing revenues with the introduction of the new patient classification and tariff...
This book is focused on a very successful private hospital group which consists of thirteen acute hospitals in Switzerland. This case study analyses t...
Viorella Manolache engages in a complex and fascinating discussion of the manifold ways in which postmodern discourse dissolves the distinctions between logos, ethos and pathos, replacing them with what we could call sociology of persuasion. But suffice it to say that she provides a map of this contested terrain, which offers a path through the shifting set of interests and boundaries in what is as much a therapeutic space as a conceptual space. The importance of Viorella Manolache's book is that it reminds us that the virtual has a key role to play in keeping the ship of state afloat, in...
Viorella Manolache engages in a complex and fascinating discussion of the manifold ways in which postmodern discourse dissolves the distinctions betwe...
An entertaining book of trivia, anecdotes, and observations about heritage travel in Canada.
Inspired by and drawing on Canadian exploration, Bob Henderson's newest book, More Trails, More Tales, strikes a balance with travel literature, history, geography, anthropology, literature, and philosophy. It will delight outdoor enthusiasts, serious naturalists, educators, and armchair travellers alike. It is essentially a storytelling book, highlighting Canadian stories and examining different aspects of heritage travel in Canada.
An entertaining book of trivia, anecdotes, and observations about heritage travel in Canada.
Haynes offers the best coverage for cars, trucks, vans, SUVs and motorcycles on the market today. Each manual contains easy to follow step-by-step instructions linked to hundreds of photographs and illustrations. Included in every manual: troubleshooting section to help identify specific problems; tips that give valuable short cuts to make the job easier and eliminate the need for special tools; notes, cautions and warnings for the home mechanic; color spark plug diagnosis and an easy to use index.
Haynes offers the best coverage for cars, trucks, vans, SUVs and motorcycles on the market today. Each manual contains easy to follow step-by-step ins...