Greg Tenorly lives a quiet and lonely life in a small East Texas town, until he is selected as a juror for a murder trial. A beautiful, mysterious redhead befriends him, and seems to have a romantic interest. But is she merely using him to influence the outcome of the trial? By the end of the first week, three people connected with the case are dead, and Greg is beginning to fear for his own life. He is now convinced that a powerful Dallas attorney is directing the murder spree in his little town. But why? He is determined to find out. But his investigation just might earn him a spot at the...
Greg Tenorly lives a quiet and lonely life in a small East Texas town, until he is selected as a juror for a murder trial. A beautiful, mysterious red...
Suspense with romance. The small East Texas town of Coreyville is shaken by brutal murders and kidnappings, striking too close to home for Greg Tenorly. And the only witness is a mentally ill neighbor whose remarks are rejected by the police as gibberish. But Greg listens carefully to the man's seemingly incoherent statements, and later realizes that they just might contain enough clues to point him in the direction of the killer. But his investigation leads him into a hornet's nest of dark secrets, old grudges, jealousy, and greed. Now, caught in the crossfire between two families, Greg's...
Suspense with romance. The small East Texas town of Coreyville is shaken by brutal murders and kidnappings, striking too close to home for Greg Tenorl...
As Greg Tenorly was about to marry the woman of his dreams, he figured he was the luckiest man in the world. Until he got an anonymous phone call warning him about his bride's shady past. Larry had been lucky all his life. He had everything he could possibly want. Except a publishing contract. So, the fact that his first six mystery novels had been rejected did not dissuade him from starting on book seven. Ironically, he finally found success when he began to publish an online account of his own downward spiral into depravity and murder. Is luck real? Or is it just an illusion? Some people...
As Greg Tenorly was about to marry the woman of his dreams, he figured he was the luckiest man in the world. Until he got an anonymous phone call warn...
When Greg Tenorly gets an invitation to his dad's 75th birthday party, Cynthia convinces him to go, and to use the occasion to finally make things right with his estranged father. But the war of words Greg is dreading becomes the least of his worries after he and his family cross paths with a cold-blooded killer.
When Greg Tenorly gets an invitation to his dad's 75th birthday party, Cynthia convinces him to go, and to use the occasion to finally make things rig...
SWEET GINGER POISON is a "whodunit" murder mystery. Description: Virginia "Ginger" Lightley is the owner of Coreyville Coffee Cakes, a popular bakery in East Texas. Customers drive from miles away to visit the little shop for a taste of her original creations. It's a shock to the whole community when a young man drops dead across town after eating one of her famous cakes. The newly appointed police chief promises to solve the case quickly. And Ginger wants to help him---until he accuses one of her employees of murder. She rejects the crime scenario laid out by the young police...
SWEET GINGER POISON is a "whodunit" murder mystery. Description: Virginia "Ginger" Lightley is the owner of Coreyville Coffee Cakes, a ...
Ginger and her fellow Domino Girls pool their funds to buy an old Colonial-style home on the outskirts of town and convert it into a bed and breakfast. The house is rumored to be haunted-which enables them to get the place at a bargain. They name it "Ginger Bread House," banking on Ginger's notoriety as a famous cake baker to bring in the guests. She will provide a daily supply of her freshly-baked cakes to sweeten their stay. But on the very first night, guests begin to see and hear strange things. Ginger manages to settle them down-until one of the guests is found dead. News quickly...
Ginger and her fellow Domino Girls pool their funds to buy an old Colonial-style home on the outskirts of town and convert it into a bed and breakfast...