The Yellow Scarves are threatened when an unknown individual infiltrates their hideout. Just when the Yellow Scarves have their quarry cornered, the Headless Rider, urban legend of Ikebukuro, comes to her rescue. The incident leaves the entire neighborhood unsettled once again, and the resulting turmoil forces Masaomi Kida, leader of the Yellow Scarves, to come face-to-face with the painful past from which he once fled...
The Yellow Scarves are threatened when an unknown individual infiltrates their hideout. Just when the Yellow Scarves have their quarry cornered, the H...
"That's why I'm Here." To face the past and protect the present, Masaomi Kida, leader of the Yellow Scarves, heads to Izaya's apartment. His intention is to discover the true identity of the leader of the Dollars, but what he finds shocks him to his core When the Yellow Scarves, the Dollars, and the followers of Saika all gather in one place, three best friends must confront the greatest challenge to their friendship...
"That's why I'm Here." To face the past and protect the present, Masaomi Kida, leader of the Yellow Scarves, heads to Izaya's apartment. His intent...
Ikebukuro has a slashing problem. Ikebukuro, Tokyo. A place where the clumsy and inept at love gather. A high school girl worried about her status. A third-rate magazine reporter covering the Ikebukuro beat. A teacher suspected of sexual harassment. A thug wearing a yellow bandanna, who is said to be the toughest around. A young man who deals in all manner of sensitive information. And a headless rider on a coal-black motorcycle. As these individuals and more are drawn into a whirl of unlucky incidents, Ikebukuro itself will begin to crumble...
Ikebukuro has a slashing problem. Ikebukuro, Tokyo. A place where the clumsy and inept at love gather. A high school girl worried about her status....
The year is 1931. A boy boards a train to visit his friend in New York. A woman in a jumpsuit boards a train to meet her employer in New York. And the conductor? He boards because it's his job. If it had been any other day, they all would have gotten where they were going just fine. But it's not any other day. The Rail Tracer is on the hunt. The gonzo tale of gangsters, immortals, and outrageous luck (both bad and good) speeds into its third volume
The year is 1931. A boy boards a train to visit his friend in New York. A woman in a jumpsuit boards a train to meet her employer in New York. And the...
"Do you enjoy being the Black Rider who's been spotted all over Ikebukuro over the past few years now? Why is it that you're riding such a dangerous bike all over the place? Are you aware that you're violating the law? " Ikebukuro, Tokyo. A place full of fires waiting to be lit and plenty of people ready to light a match: Twins who are the perfect opposite of each other. An idol who's nothing like her older brother. A girl with a crush on her senior in the Dollars. And a headless rider with a bounty on her...uh, head. Keeping the peace is probably not gonna happen.
"Do you enjoy being the Black Rider who's been spotted all over Ikebukuro over the past few years now? Why is it that you're riding such a dangerous b...
"I'm not doing anything. All the Dollars did that together..." The holiday isn't over yet. The day after Izaya was stabbed, the scars of the recent incident are still fresh in the city. An eccentric couple wanders the town together as a sister keeps an eye on the girl hanging around her brother. Two women--one a child, one an adult--pursue the meaning of strength, focusing their attention on the strongest man in town. A set of mischievous twins don't bother to care about their brother. A yakuza clings to his past. Meanwhile, an underground doctor just wants to enjoy a vacation with a...
"I'm not doing anything. All the Dollars did that together..." The holiday isn't over yet. The day after Izaya was stabbed, the scars of the recent...