The aim of this radiological atlas is to connect pathophysiology to imaging using many illustrations and examples, emphasizing the capabilities and limitations of multidetector computed tomography and its role in the correct management approach to these disorders. Furthermore, the place of allied imaging modalities (plain film and ultrasound) in the clinical algorithm is comprehensively illustrated.
The aim of this radiological atlas is to connect pathophysiology to imaging using many illustrations and examples, emphasizing the capabilities and...
L urgenza vascolare e la vera urgenza. Data la variabilita delle presentazioni cliniche, il radiologo e sempre piu spesso chiamato in causa per problemi diagnosticodifferenziali e a lui sono demandati l inquadramento nosologico e le scelte terapeutiche dei casi dubbi. Se il tempo e l unica variabile determinante, la diagnosi deve essere tempestiva ed accurata perche si possano attuare le scelte terapeutiche idonee. Pertanto e necessario che il radiologo sappia agire con sollecitudine e precisione chirurgica . Lo scopo del volume e fornire, attraverso la presentazione di un ampia casistica,...
L urgenza vascolare e la vera urgenza. Data la variabilita delle presentazioni cliniche, il radiologo e sempre piu spesso chiamato in causa per pro...
The term acute abdomen refers to a serious, often progressive clinical situation that calls for immediate diagnostic and therapeutic action. Today, diagnosis via imaging has basically replaced the physical examination in the emergency room and the Radiologist has become of primary importance in this setting. However, close co-operation among the various specialists involved is essential for successful patient management, and thus the Radiologist needs to have a full understanding of the imaging modalities and technical skills required, as well as appropriate clinical knowledge of the disorder...
The term acute abdomen refers to a serious, often progressive clinical situation that calls for immediate diagnostic and therapeutic action. Today, di...
La gestione corretta e tempestiva del trauma maggiore, registrato tra le prime cause di morte e invalidita, soprattutto nella popolazione giovanile, rappresenta oggi l espressione piu avanzata della cultura dell emergenza. Questo manuale nasce dall esigenza di fornire tutti gli elementi tecnici, semeiologici, interpretativi per affrontare con sicurezza lo studio TC del paziente con trauma grave. Il formato tascabile e il taglio pratico rendono il volume uno strumento utile nell'attivita quotidiana sia degli specializzandi in Radiologia sia dei Radiologi che intendano affrontare il...
La gestione corretta e tempestiva del trauma maggiore, registrato tra le prime cause di morte e invalidita, soprattutto nella popolazione giovanile, r...
This comprehensive review of the etiology, pathophysiology and clinical presentation of acute abdominal conditions focuses on imaging features that are relevant to a timely management approach. Includes high-quality images, diagrams and easy-to-read tables.
This comprehensive review of the etiology, pathophysiology and clinical presentation of acute abdominal conditions focuses on imaging features that ar...
This superbly illustrated book describes a comprehensive and modern approach to the imaging of abdominal and pelvic emergencies of traumatic and non-traumatic origin.
This superbly illustrated book describes a comprehensive and modern approach to the imaging of abdominal and pelvic emergencies of traumatic and non-t...