fEt moi, . . . . sifavait sucommenten rcvenir, One service mathematics has rendered the jen'yseraispointall: human race. It hasput rommon senseback JulesVerne whereit belongs, on the topmost shelf next tothedustycanisterlabelled'discardednon Theseriesis divergent; thereforewemaybe sense'. ahletodosomethingwithit. EricT. Bell O. Heaviside Mathematicsisatoolforthought. Ahighlynecessarytoolinaworldwherebothfeedbackandnon linearitiesabound. Similarly, allkindsofpartsofmathematicsserveastoolsforotherpartsandfor othersciences. Applyinga simplerewritingrule to thequoteon theright aboveonefinds...
fEt moi, . . . . sifavait sucommenten rcvenir, One service mathematics has rendered the jen'yseraispointall: human race. It hasput rommon senseback Ju...