We have lost sight in the Church of what the apostles saw so clearly. This loss has resulted in an advantage given that would not be if 'spiritual warfare' was seen in light of the devil's designs fostered through 'relational' breakdown. To quote the apostle Paul: "in order that no advantage be taken of us by satan; for we are not ignorant of his schemes" (2 Cor. 2:11 N.A.S.B.). It was largely this text that the Lord has used to move this author to reflection and recording what has been his own 'relational' experience. It was Jonathan Edwards who said to the effect that true Theology ought to...
We have lost sight in the Church of what the apostles saw so clearly. This loss has resulted in an advantage given that would not be if 'spiritual war...
The subject of Spiritual Warfare must become common place if unsuspecting souls are to avoid major disaster in the mind of this author. Presently and at best this subject is designated peripheral and perhaps trivial and at worst hardly mentioned or dismissed as irrelevant. This book presents a biblical view of this important subject with the thesis and conclusion that it deserves greater prominence in the life of every living soul. This is because there are other crucial teachings tied so intricately to what effects all people like that of faith, apostasy and perseverance. While one could...
The subject of Spiritual Warfare must become common place if unsuspecting souls are to avoid major disaster in the mind of this author. Presently and ...
The subject of Spiritual Warfare must become common place if unsuspecting souls are to avoid major disaster in the mind of this author. Presently and at best this subject is designated peripheral and perhaps trivial and at worst hardly mentioned or dismissed as irrelevant. This book presents a biblical view of this important subject with the thesis and conclusion that it deserves greater prominence in the life of every living soul. This is because there are other crucial teachings tied so intricately to what effects all people like that of faith, apostasy and perseverance. While one could...
The subject of Spiritual Warfare must become common place if unsuspecting souls are to avoid major disaster in the mind of this author. Presently and ...