Covering the role of trade unions and labour organizations in industrial relations, this text contains case studies from Austria, Canada, France, Germany, Israel, Norway, Sweden, Switzerland, the UK and USA.
Covering the role of trade unions and labour organizations in industrial relations, this text contains case studies from Austria, Canada, France, Germ...
Volume: 25 Publisher: Cambridge [Eng.] Printed at the University Press Publication date: 1852 Subjects: Church of England Notes: This is an OCR reprint. There may be numerous typos or missing text. There are no illustrations or indexes. When you buy the General Books edition of this book you get free trial access to where you can select from more than a million books for free. You can also preview the book there.
Volume: 25 Publisher: Cambridge [Eng.] Printed at the University Press Publication date: 1852 Subjects: Church of England Notes: This is an OCR reprin...
Inflation is the economic plague of the modern world, completely undermining conventional theory and policies for its containment, and setting governments, management and labour on a dangerous collision course. Its alarming spread is only paralleled by the expansion of multinational corporations, some of them more economically powerful than nation states. This book, first published in 1971, provided a totally new perspective on these phenomena, linking them in a common theory based on a thorough analysis of the modern role of capital financing in the global economy. It demonstrates the...
Inflation is the economic plague of the modern world, completely undermining conventional theory and policies for its containment, and setting gove...