Contesting prior assumptions that institutions simplify the world for the sake of efficiency, this book argues that rather than institution expansion indicating the movement of markets to optimal states, expanding institutions generate information costs.
Contesting prior assumptions that institutions simplify the world for the sake of efficiency, this book argues that rather than institution expansion ...
Far from offering a thin patina of "niceness" spread over standard educational philosophy, Steven Loomis and Paul Spears set forth a vigorous Christian philosophy of education that seeks to transform the practice of education. Beginning with a robust view of human nature, they build a case for a decidedly Christian view of education that still rightfully takes its place within the marketplace of public education.
Far from offering a thin patina of "niceness" spread over standard educational philosophy, Steven Loomis and Paul Spears set forth a vigorous Christia...
Contesting prior assumptions that institutions simplify the world for the sake of efficiency, this book argues that rather than institution expansion indicating the movement of markets to optimal states, expanding institutions generate information costs.
Contesting prior assumptions that institutions simplify the world for the sake of efficiency, this book argues that rather than institution expansion ...