In Alma Lopez's digital print "Lupe & Sirena in Love" (1999), two icons--the Virgin of Guadalupe and the mermaid Sirena, who often appears on Mexican lottery cards--embrace one another, symbolically claiming a place for same-sex desire within Mexican and Chicano/a religious and popular cultures. Ester Hernandez's 1976 etching "Libertad/Liberty" depicts a female artist chiseling away at the Statue of Liberty, freeing from within it a regal Mayan woman and, in the process, creating a culturally composite Lady Liberty descended from indigenous and mixed bloodlines. In her painting "Coyolxauhqui...
In Alma Lopez's digital print "Lupe & Sirena in Love" (1999), two icons--the Virgin of Guadalupe and the mermaid Sirena, who often appears on Mexican ...