"Hidden Danger" is a book of poetry written by Jamie L. Sawyers. The poems selected in the book represent a collection of the best poems written by the author over the last 15 years, which reveal the emotions behind living with chronic illness, searching for love, discovering a purpose in life, and comprehending the world we live in.
"Hidden Danger" is a book of poetry written by Jamie L. Sawyers. The poems selected in the book represent a collection of the best poems written by th...
Caution Quicksand is the second collection of poetry written by Jamie L. Sawyers. The poems presented in this book explore how easy it is to fall into the quicksand of life while striving to stay on solid ground. Jamie L. Sawyers lives in Nashville, "The Music City" with her family. She is also the author of Hidden Danger.
Caution Quicksand is the second collection of poetry written by Jamie L. Sawyers. The poems presented in this book explore how easy it is to fall into...
Avoid sloth, one of the seven deadly sins, and idleness by solving these enjoyable Bible verse and inspirational word puzzles that highlight the benefits of diligence and fortitude. Inside this book are 42 fun puzzles, consisting of word searches and crosswords, to challenge you and keep you busy! Bible quotes are from the King James Version of the Bible.
Avoid sloth, one of the seven deadly sins, and idleness by solving these enjoyable Bible verse and inspirational word puzzles that highlight the benef...