"Braided Dreams" presents three original stories by Merlyn, a Scotsman who lived in the sixth century. Each chapter shows a continuing segment of one dream of the competition between brothers living in retirement in the early twenty-first century. The second dream is a chronological series of twenty-one short story segments that begin 12,000 years ago and conclude in Merlyn's own lifetime. The third story is a future dream that has a mix of marsupial humanoids who live a more human life than the earthlings they meet.
The stories from the present, past, and future interconnect as real...
"Braided Dreams" presents three original stories by Merlyn, a Scotsman who lived in the sixth century. Each chapter shows a continuing segment of one ...
"Running Through" continues the original story-dreams by Merlyn, the Scotsman who lived in the sixth century. Brothers Robert and Richard have their discussions in a few months of time. Grandma's stories work their way from the sixth century up into the sixteenth century, a thousand years bound in segments of a dream. "The Pouch Text," with humans and marsupial humanoids, takes place in about a year. When the Dead dream, especially when you are Merlyn, time is the least of your concerns. Keeping the dreams connected is easier when you have a twin dreamer, in this case, Richard Graystone....
"Running Through" continues the original story-dreams by Merlyn, the Scotsman who lived in the sixth century. Brothers Robert and Richard have their d...