Ever since Rose was a toddler, her father, a professor at a prestigious university, encouraged her to study in America. However, by the time she entered college, the political climate in her country had escalated to such dangerous levels that the chances for her to study abroad had greatly diminished. But Rose refused to forget her childhood dream, and amid heavy gunfire, she escaped. When Rose reached the United States, she took advantage of every opportunity this country offered her, and earned high recognition in academia. Amid this freedom, she could never forget the family she left...
Ever since Rose was a toddler, her father, a professor at a prestigious university, encouraged her to study in America. However, by the time she enter...
When the Spanish arrived in the Caribbean in 1492, they left destruction in their wake. But no people were as devastated as the Taino Indians. Even the name of the island where they made their home - Quisqueya - was stolen, and called Hispaniola. In the wake of the Spanish Conquest, the Tainan people struggled not for survival, but simply to be remembered. Their histories, their chants, and their gods were almost entirely wiped away. Until now. This is the untold story of the devastation wrought by the Spanish Conquest on the island of Quisqueya. It is the story of a people who cry out for...
When the Spanish arrived in the Caribbean in 1492, they left destruction in their wake. But no people were as devastated as the Taino Indians. Even th...
Five-year-old Joaquin isn't supposed to know anything about the world outside the protected environment where he has been reared. His mother is determined to insulate him from the clashes that took his father's life. But then his father's adoptive parent note: ADOPTIVE parent, not an ADOPTED parent], Abdullah, enters his life. Later, Joaquin learns that his brilliant geography and history tutor, Senor De Guzman, is a converso; many conversos were Jews who were forcibly converted to Christianity. Joaquin discovers that the world he lives in is unsafe for anyone who is different. As time...
Five-year-old Joaquin isn't supposed to know anything about the world outside the protected environment where he has been reared. His mother is determ...
COLORES FABULOSOS is the Spanish version of STUPENDOUS COLORS that was originally created in English. It is devised to teach the same colors as in STUPENDOUS COLORS to any toddler in Spanish, whether or not they are Spanish speaking-while it also introduces Spanish words to them. This method is based on the same question as STUPENDOUS COLORS was created: Do children need to be developmentally ready to recognize colors? We, of the STUPENDOUS COLORS method, believe otherwise, for our method has taught three colors to a baby who was just five months old. It is designed to teach 15 colors to...
COLORES FABULOSOS is the Spanish version of STUPENDOUS COLORS that was originally created in English. It is devised to teach the same colors as in STU...
Now you can teach your babies and toddlers fifteen color in five days IN GERMAN without pressuring them Mussen Sauglinge und Kleinkinder Entwicklungsbereitschaft zeigen, um Farben zu erkennen? Wenn shon in funf Monate altes Kleinkind durch diese Farben-Lehrmethode drei Farben unterscheiden konnte so stellten wir fest, dass wir sehr wenig uber Entwicklungsbereitschaft wissen. Tatsachlich beweisen Studien, dass Sauglinge in der Lage sind Dinge auf Gebieten zu lernen, die wir nie fur moglich hielten. Wenn ihnen solche fruhen Lemmoglichkeiten geboten werden, so erweiterten sich ihre Fahigkeiten...
Now you can teach your babies and toddlers fifteen color in five days IN GERMAN without pressuring them Mussen Sauglinge und Kleinkinder Entwicklungs...
If you can read Japanese, now you can teach your babies and toddlers fifteen color in five days IN JAPANESE without pressuring them. Do children need to be developmentally ready to know colors? We, of the STUPENDOUS COLORS method, wonder about this, for it has taught three colors to a baby who was just five months old. It also clarified colors toddlers often confused. With its straightforward, inductive method of introducing colors, it often taught fifteen colors to toddlers in five days-including chartreuse and gold, which are not easy to learn, while also increasing their vocabulary and...
If you can read Japanese, now you can teach your babies and toddlers fifteen color in five days IN JAPANESE without pressuring them. Do children need ...
From the first day that I taught in China, students repeatedly told me, "We are the future of China " I couldn't help being impressed with their desire to build up their country. They wanted it to someday become one of the most beloved powers in this world. They wished to create a kind, benevolent China-one that would serve as a shining example to the world, which would ever be ready to help and build up other nations, so we all can enjoy outstanding, prosperous futures someday. These young people now wish to share their stories with you, to give you a glimpse of the vibrancy of their rapidly...
From the first day that I taught in China, students repeatedly told me, "We are the future of China " I couldn't help being impressed with their desir...