Iraq, Afghanistan, Darfur - all resonate loudly on the international stage, exposing and illustrating the intractable links between global security, war and conflict, the control over natural resources - be they oil, water, timber or 'conflict diamonds' - and the deployment of aid money and the manipulation of international trade policies. This volume, written by leading authorities from across the globe, introduces the linkages between trade, aid and security, and exposes how inappropriate or misused trade and aid policy can and do undermine security and contribute to violence and the...
Iraq, Afghanistan, Darfur - all resonate loudly on the international stage, exposing and illustrating the intractable links between global security, w...
'A compelling contribution to our evolving understanding of the links between trade, aid and security � and what the international community needs to do to ensure peace and development in the world.' Achim Steiner, Executive Director, United Nations Environment Programme 'For far too long the international community ahs stood by while countries around the world descend into conflict and anarchy. We need to understand how we can engage more effectively with fragile and failing states. Trade, Aid and Security is an important step in this direction.' Jan Pronk, Special Representative of...
'A compelling contribution to our evolving understanding of the links between trade, aid and security � and what the international community ne...