Tony Lord Of Deer" is an imaginative work of fantasy that targets young readers. This beautifully written book brings to mind Liberty Dendron's-Deer Tales and real-life issues that children confront everyday are at the heart of the story. Bullying, death of a family member and how to handle grief are themes prevailing in the story. A story which shows that strength of character, and belief in the good in everything is above all else; the herd galloped across creeks, jumped over more fallen trees, and waded through cold, calm rivers. When they reached the warmer climate, bug's and insects flew...
Tony Lord Of Deer" is an imaginative work of fantasy that targets young readers. This beautifully written book brings to mind Liberty Dendron's-Deer T...
Have you ever felt so lonely, even when you have friends? Most children experience this kind of feeling when they have everything. Our friend, Rizpah, the fairy also felt the same, feeling so lonely, so lazy and so bored. However, she is unaware of the fact that the world around her is surrounded by beautiful and lovable friends. An inspirational story with beautiful pictures and simple words. 29 pages Publication Date 5/28/2015
Have you ever felt so lonely, even when you have friends? Most children experience this kind of feeling when they have everything. Our friend, Rizpah,...
This story begins and ends in Tanzania, when a Deer named Tony befriends a bear named Surry, the animals in the jungle are happy Than a Hyena named Hayden entered that section of the jungle, and stirs up trouble between Surry the Hippo and Tony the deer This story helps your child understand how their behavior affects others, how to handle anger, and how to treat other people, as you wish to be treated. This is an exciting story, with morals and colorful African animals, and great information about friendship, trust, how to treat others, and dealing with feelings. This book is easy to read,...
This story begins and ends in Tanzania, when a Deer named Tony befriends a bear named Surry, the animals in the jungle are happy Than a Hyena named H...