The Iran-United States Claims Tribunal, which has been called the most significant arbitral body in history, celebrated its 25th anniversary in 2006. As of mid-2005, the Tribunal had issued over 800 awards and decisions--a total of 600 awards (including partial awards and awards on agreed terms), 83 interlocutory and interim awards, and 133 decisions--in resolving almost 3000 cases. The Tribunal's awards have been described as the most important body of international arbitration jurisprudence. The significance of these decisions as persuasive authority is second to none.
In this volume,...
The Iran-United States Claims Tribunal, which has been called the most significant arbitral body in history, celebrated its 25th anniversary in 2006. ...
The United Nations Compensation Commission (UNCC) is a claims reparation program created by the United Nations Security Council in May 1991, after the UN-authorized Allied Coalition Forces' military operations terminated the seven-month invasion and occupation of Kuwait by Iraq and liberated Kuwait. The UNCC was established with the objectives to receive and decide claims from individuals, corporations, and governments against Iraq as arising directly from Iraq's invasion and occupation of Kuwait; and to pay compensation for such claims.
War Reparations and the UN Compensation...
The United Nations Compensation Commission (UNCC) is a claims reparation program created by the United Nations Security Council in May 1991, after the...