This is what the King James Version was meant to be, an exact word-for-word translation of the Hebrew and Greek texts. This title indicates that this new Bible is an exact literal, word-for-word translation of the Masoretic Hebrew Text and the Greek Received Text (Textus Receptus), the main texts used by the Authorised/King James Version translators. Certainly you will want to know all the truths that God has written in the original Hebrew and Greek languages, for it is truth that has the power to set you free: "And you will know the truth, and the truth will set you free" (John 8:32) The...
This is what the King James Version was meant to be, an exact word-for-word translation of the Hebrew and Greek texts. This title indicates that this ...
Larger Print Edition The number one complaint about the Interlinear Hebrew Greek English Bibles by Jay P. Green, Sr. has been the size of the print. This new printing is in a larger print size, much more readable for long hours of study without the eye strain. This has all of the content of the 4 Volume Interlinear Bible Set that has been published since 1985 plus the 2000 New Testament which adds an additional side column with the KJV.. The only complete interlinear Bible available in English-and it's keyed to Strong's Exhaustive Concordance Thousands of pastors, students, and laypeople...
Larger Print Edition The number one complaint about the Interlinear Hebrew Greek English Bibles by Jay P. Green, Sr. has been the size of the print. ...
Larger Print Edition The number one complaint about the Interlinear Hebrew Greek English Bibles by Jay P. Green, Sr. has been the size of the print. This new printing is in a larger print size, much more readable for long hours of study without the eye strain. This has all of the content of the 4 Volume Interlinear Bible Set that has been published since 1985 plus the 2000 New Testament which adds an additional side column with the KJV.. The only complete interlinear Bible available in English-and it's keyed to Strong's Exhaustive Concordance Thousands of pastors, students, and laypeople...
Larger Print Edition The number one complaint about the Interlinear Hebrew Greek English Bibles by Jay P. Green, Sr. has been the size of the print. ...