Drawing from dozens of the U.S. Army's official field manuals, editor Jay McCullough has culled a thousand pages of the most useful and curious tidbits for the would-be soldier, historian, movie-maker, writer, or survivalist--including techniques on first aid; survival in the hottest or coldest of climates; finding or building life-saving shelters; surviving nuclear, biological, and chemical attacks; physical and mental fitness, and how to find food and water anywhere, anytime. With hundreds of photographs and illustrations showing everything from edible plants to rare skin diseases of the...
Drawing from dozens of the U.S. Army's official field manuals, editor Jay McCullough has culled a thousand pages of the most useful and curious tidbit...
Everything You Ever Wanted to Know About Hunting and Trapping
A collection of tips, tactics, and anecdotes from the finest trappers the United States has ever seen, The Trapper's Bible is an essential reference guide for hunters, trappers, and historians.
Taken directly from some of the upmost authorities on the trapping profession, hundreds of photos and illustrations adorn this fascinating compendium. Broken up into sections, this volume details a wide variety of different traps and contains an extensive section outlining the behavior and nature of a long list of animals commonly...
Everything You Ever Wanted to Know About Hunting and Trapping
A collection of tips, tactics, and anecdotes from the finest trappers the United St...