This book makes an essential contribution to the debate now opening up over the future of Europe in the wake of the demise of the Constitution. Since 1989 much about the European Union has changed, including the very definition of 'Europe' itself. The EU has enlarged to 25 countries and the division between Western and Eastern Europe has disappeared.
The EU has responded positively to these changes, not only by making a success of enlargement, but by pushing ahead with the Single Market and the Single Currency. These very successes, however, have led to a reaction. Those who...
This book makes an essential contribution to the debate now opening up over the future of Europe in the wake of the demise of the Constitution. Since ...
This is a critical time for the relationship between Britain and Europe, as politicians debate the crisis facing the European Union and Britain s role within it. This second edition consists largely of new material that charts how recent political developments have changed the debate surrounding Britain s membership of the EU. Following the 2015 general election and with the promise of an imminent referendum on Brexit, the book now considers: -How has the renegotiation agenda shifted? -How are EU partners responding to threats of departure from Britain? -What was the impact of the 2015...
This is a critical time for the relationship between Britain and Europe, as politicians debate the crisis facing the European Union and Britain s role...
The debate surrounding economic policy in the UK has recently been heavily focussed on determining the appropriate response to the financial crisis and recession. There has been less discussion about the nature of the UK s political economy. Leaving the UK s model of political economy unchanged is, however, not an option in the modern global economy. The existing model has resulted in an unbalanced economy with relatively low productivity and a structural balance of payments deficit. Without reform, these problems will not go away and could worsen. A debate about what Britain s new economic...
The debate surrounding economic policy in the UK has recently been heavily focussed on determining the appropriate response to the financial crisis an...
This is a critical time for the relationship between Britain and Europe, as politicians debate the crisis facing the European Union and Britain s role within it. This second edition consists largely of new material that charts how recent political developments have changed the debate surrounding Britain s membership of the EU. Following the 2015 general election and with the promise of an imminent referendum on Brexit, the book now considers: -How has the renegotiation agenda shifted? -How are EU partners responding to threats of departure from Britain? -What was the impact of the 2015...
This is a critical time for the relationship between Britain and Europe, as politicians debate the crisis facing the European Union and Britain s role...