Read This If You Want To Take Great Photographs Of People is an inspiring book of conceptual starting points and invaluable technical tips for anyone, novice or professional, who wants to take top-notch pictures of people. The book distills portrait photography into seven subject areas, including "Composition," "The Gaze," and "The Street," and features beautiful, startling, and inspirational photographs in each category. Readers are given practical insights into the ideas and techniques of a wide range of historical and contemporary masters so they can put it all into practice themselves....
Read This If You Want To Take Great Photographs Of People is an inspiring book of conceptual starting points and invaluable technical tips for anyone,...
Inspired by modern masters, Use This if You Want to Be Great at Drawing is a playful introduction to contemporary drawing styles, techniques and ideas. This sketchbook features thought-provoking prompts and eye-popping illustrations to sharpen your skills and unlock the outer limits of your imagination.
Inspired by modern masters, Use This if You Want to Be Great at Drawing is a playful introduction to contemporary drawing styles, techniques and ideas...