Security Council resolutions have undergone an important evolution over the last two decades. While continuing its traditional role of determining state-specific threats to peace and engaging accordingly in various peaceful or coercive measures, the Security Council has also adopted resolutions that have effectively imposed legal obligations on all United Nations member states.
This book seeks to move away from the discussions of whether the Security Council in the current composition and working methods is representative, capable or productive. Rather it assesses whether...
Security Council resolutions have undergone an important evolution over the last two decades. While continuing its traditional role of determining ...
In December 2015, 196 parties to the United Nations Framework Convention on Climate Change (UNFCCC) adopted the Paris Agreement, seen as a decisive landmark for global action to stop human-induced global warming. The Paris Agreement creates legally binding obligations and in order to halt global warming it is imperative for these national commitments to be implemented.
This book, the third in a series of three examining the global climate integrity system, provides an implementation 'rulebook' for the post-Paris climate regime. This is an essential, as the temperature goal...
In December 2015, 196 parties to the United Nations Framework Convention on Climate Change (UNFCCC) adopted the Paris Agreement, seen as a decisive...
This volume examines conceptual, disciplinary, institutional (normative) and global interpretive frameworks for making and building peace in the context of roles played by state and non-state actors within local, national, regional, and global units of analysis.
This volume examines conceptual, disciplinary, institutional (normative) and global interpretive frameworks for making and building peace in the conte...