Trained by America's best medieval canon lawyers and having had extensive medieval law research experience in Europe, Professor Kim delivers a book on the law of the Middle Ages that is relevant for today's legal, scholarly, and intellectual discussions. (Legal Reference/Law)
Trained by America's best medieval canon lawyers and having had extensive medieval law research experience in Europe, Professor Kim delivers a book on...
LAW AND CRIMINALITY IN THE MIDDLE AGES: ACADEMIC ESSAYS by Professor Onyoo Elizabeth Kim of Handong University in Korea is an academic feat in legal studies. Trained by Americas best medieval canon lawyers and having had extensive medieval law research experience in Europe, Professor Kim delivers a book on the Law of the Middle Ages that is relevant for todays legal, scholarly, and intellectual discussions.
This book contains five of Professor Kims academic essays: "War and Its Justification in the Law of the Middle Ages"; "Understanding "Intent" in Criminal Law via Gratians Decretum and...
LAW AND CRIMINALITY IN THE MIDDLE AGES: ACADEMIC ESSAYS by Professor Onyoo Elizabeth Kim of Handong University in Korea is an academic feat in legal ...