Set in Buffalo, New York during Prohibition, this true story revolves around an East Side group of Polish gangsters. Korney Kwiatkowski leads the gang that robs and kills it's way to the front pages of Buffalo newspapers and an ending none expected.
Set in Buffalo, New York during Prohibition, this true story revolves around an East Side group of Polish gangsters. Korney Kwiatkowski leads the gang...
Buffalo was once a proud, strong, important city. Burned by the British during the War of 1812, it rebuilt and eventually became the Erie Canal's western terminus. From its earliest days through the Industrial Age, Buffalo welcomed the 20th Century with open arms, reaching a zenith of sorts when it hosted the Pan-American Exposition in 1901. It was a time when every aspect of a building mattered. Offices and factories were designed to reflect in outward appearance the strength of the company itself. Buffalo was known for much more than merely Chicken Wings. This book is Buffalo in photographs...
Buffalo was once a proud, strong, important city. Burned by the British during the War of 1812, it rebuilt and eventually became the Erie Canal's west...