A children's book based on the popular Studio Ghibli animated movie The Cat Returns Picture Book retells the story of Haru and her exciting adventures in a magical cat universe using actual cell artwork from the original movie. The book and movie both draw inspiration from the manga series, Baron: The Cat Returns (also published by VIZ Media).
A children's book based on the popular Studio Ghibli animated movie The Cat Returns Picture Book retells the story of Haru and h...
From the vaults of Academy Award-winning director, Hayao Miyazaki Original watercolor illustrations used as concept sketches for both the manga and film versions of Nausicaa of the Valley of the Wind. Take a peek behind the curtain to see the creative process of the most acclaimed anime director in the world today. This full-color, over-sized, hardcover book also includes Miyazaki's earliest sketches that eventually became the basis for some of the most beloved anime movies of the past 20 years.
From the vaults of Academy Award-winning director, Hayao Miyazaki Original watercolor illustrations used as concept sketches for both the mang...