The Tom Corbett space series consists of eight books, which may have been based on the novel Space Cadet by Robert Heinlein. The series follows the adventures of Tom and his friend Roger as they train to be members of the Solar Guard. The stories center around the academy, the bunkroom, and the young men's training ship Polaris. The cadet's adventures take them to alien worlds in our solar system and beyond.
The Tom Corbett space series consists of eight books, which may have been based on the novel Space Cadet by Robert Heinlein. The series follows the ad...
Carey Rockwell is the pseudonym used for the author of the Tom Corbet Space Cadet series of books written for young boys. This 1950's series included books, comic strips, coloring books and television shows. The Tom Corbett space series consists of eight books, which may have been based on the novel Space Cadet by Robert Heinlein. The series follows the adventures of Tom and his friend Roger as they train to be members of the Solar Guard. The stories center around the academy, the bunkroom and their training ship Polaris. Their adventures take them to alien worlds in our solar system and...
Carey Rockwell is the pseudonym used for the author of the Tom Corbet Space Cadet series of books written for young boys. This 1950's series included ...
This collection of literature attempts to compile many of the classic, timeless works that have stood the test of time and offer them at a reduced, affordable price, in an attractive volume so that everyone can enjoy them.
This collection of literature attempts to compile many of the classic, timeless works that have stood the test of time and offer them at a reduced, af...
Tom Corbett and the intrepid crew of the Polaris race against time to recover a stolen security key that's being used to destroy all law and order within the Solar Alliance. Their mission will take the cadets undercover into the seediest planetary stopovers along the space lanes; then onward to the legendary prison asteroid known as The Rock. And finally, to a fateful encounter with a deadly band of thieves and cutthroats, where the most dangerous man alive awaits Captain Strong - to settle an old score with the Solar Guard's finest. *****This is book #3 in the Tom Corbett Space Cadet...
Tom Corbett and the intrepid crew of the Polaris race against time to recover a stolen security key that's being used to destroy all law and order wit...