Having trouble with PayPal, the author filed suit and got a $150.00 judgment. One of the reasons for using PayPal was to avail himself of their money back guarantee to insure that the product he bought via eBay would be in good working order. When PayPal did not honor their money back guarantee for the item, which turned out to be defective, he successfully sued them in small claims court for the amount of $150.00. After being served with the summons and complaint, PayPal began firing all their guns at him. They began sending letters to the court challenging venue. They attempted to scare...
Having trouble with PayPal, the author filed suit and got a $150.00 judgment. One of the reasons for using PayPal was to avail himself of their money ...
When the author's fourteen year old grandson said he was going to throw a brick through the store window, because they would not honor their money-back guarantee, the author explained it would be faster if he simply picketed the store. Following that advice, he got his money back in less than five minutes. In The Rebel, the author cites many examples of how he rebelled primarily against politicians, lawyers and bureaucrats. He tells how he forced the Association of Engineering Geologists to change their unconscionable Code of Ethics. When a new runway was completed at the Los Angeles...
When the author's fourteen year old grandson said he was going to throw a brick through the store window, because they would not honor their money-bac...