"Silent Screams" is a collection of poetry containing original art by the poet and artist Men-Tal. RMen-Tal's musings on life range from the raw and gritty, to the hot and sensuous. He even reflects on the history of a great people.S--Francene Ambrose Gunn, editor.
"Silent Screams" is a collection of poetry containing original art by the poet and artist Men-Tal. RMen-Tal's musings on life range from the raw and g...
A Lil Cognac Ta Get Ya Mind Right Alright, for the time being I'm the Topic of Discussion. Who am I you ask? I'm Rachelle, but my friends call me Cognac or Coney for short because whenever we're having a discussion or I have an opinion about something I give it to you straight with no ice, and no cola. So if you can't handle the truth then I suggest that you keep your mouth shut and your thoughts to yourself. However, I'm sort of messed up in the head right now because I'm sitting here in my GORGEOUS kitchen staring at the glass from my BEAUTIFUL kitchen table shattered all over the floor and...
A Lil Cognac Ta Get Ya Mind Right Alright, for the time being I'm the Topic of Discussion. Who am I you ask? I'm Rachelle, but my friends call me Cogn...
Perhaps I'm paying for the sins of my past life . . . with every step I take towards peace and prosperity the wicked always seems to show itself . . . I remember that night--vaguely. I remember him sitting there. I remember the bright lights. I remember that loud engine roaring! I remember the traumatizing cracking sound of gunfire.
Perhaps I'm paying for the sins of my past life . . . with every step I take towards peace and prosperity the wicked always seems to show itself . . ....
SPIT is an urban drama that will take the reader into the life of a young man named Croxx who grew up on the streets of Detroit Michigan. The events that transpired in his life would dramatically change his life forever, and become the reason he recites the lyrics he speaks on the mic. One of my many reasons for writing SPIT is to highlight an aspect of spoken word that is hardly noticed. The events that take place in a poet's life that inspire him/her to write the things that he/she writes and spit the lyrics that they spit, inspired by all the love, hate, sex, relationships, drama,...
SPIT is an urban drama that will take the reader into the life of a young man named Croxx who grew up on the streets of Detroit Michigan. The events t...