This volume contains the papers presented at the International Workshop on the Cur rent Problems in Condensed Matter: Theory and Experiment, held at Cocoyoc, More los, Mexico, during January 5-9, 1997. The participants had come from Argentina, Austria, Chile, England, France, Germany, Italy, Japan, Mexico, Switzerland, and the USA. The presentations at the Workshop provided state-of-art reviews of many of the most important problems, currently under study, in condensed matter. Equally important to all the participants in the workshop was the fact that we had come to honor a friend, Karl Heinz...
This volume contains the papers presented at the International Workshop on the Cur rent Problems in Condensed Matter: Theory and Experiment, held at C...
During August 24-27, 1993, approximately 60 scientists from the Americas, Europe and Japan, gathered in the city of Guanajuato, in the state of Guanajuato, Mexico, at the II Latin American Workshop on Magnetism, Magnetic Materials and their Applications. The group of scientists converging into the beautiful city of Guanajuato had come from Argentina, Chile, Brazil, Venezuela, Cuba, several places in Mexico, U. S. A., Japan, Spain, France, Italy, Germany, Austria, Switzerland, and Denmark. The event attested to the success of the previous Workshop on Magnetism, Magnetic Materials and their...
During August 24-27, 1993, approximately 60 scientists from the Americas, Europe and Japan, gathered in the city of Guanajuato, in the state of Guanaj...
J. L. Moran-Lopez J. L. Morn-Lpez J. L. Moran-Lopez
Oaxaca, Mexico, was the place chosen by a large international group of scientists to meet and discuss on the recent advances on the understanding of the physical prop- ties of low dimensional systems; one of the most active fields of research in condensed matter in the last years. The International Symposium on the Physics of Low Dim- sions took place in January 16-20, 2000. The group of scientists converging into the historical city of Oaxaca, in the state of the same name, had come from Argentina, Chile, Venezuela, several places in Mexico, Canada, U. S. A., England, France, Italy, Germany,...
Oaxaca, Mexico, was the place chosen by a large international group of scientists to meet and discuss on the recent advances on the understanding of t...