Significant recent advances in the imaging of the lower urinary tract are comprehensively presented in this handbook. It offers information on both imaging examinations and interventional techniques with all the modern modalities, including MRI and ultrasound. The contributors are all experts in clinical urology; their varying and at times conflicting opinions track the fast-moving pace in the field and demonstrate the complexity of the subject. The approach is disease-oriented, though grouped by anatomic region. Each chapter covers etiology, physiology, pathology, epidemiology, clinical...
Significant recent advances in the imaging of the lower urinary tract are comprehensively presented in this handbook. It offers information on both im...
For a long time the morphologic diagnosis of diseases of the pancreas - which is the most hidden organ of the abdomen - by means of radiologic methods was inade quate. Diagnostic radiology of pancreatic diseases has been revolutionized by new cross-sectional methods such as computed tomography with volume CT scanning, further progress in ultrasonography in the form of color duplex Doppler, and magnetic resonance imaging. Therefore we had the idea of publishing an up-to-date treatise on radiology of the pancreas in order to convey the contributions made by various new imaging modalities for...
For a long time the morphologic diagnosis of diseases of the pancreas - which is the most hidden organ of the abdomen - by means of radiologic methods...
Radiology of the Pancreas discusses the diagnostic role of the various imaging modalities currently available for the assessment of pancreatic anatomy and disease. In comparison with the first edition, new technical developments (helical CT, ultrafast magnetic resonance imaging, color Doppler ultrasound, laparoscopic ultrasound), have been included, and several chapters have been significantly expanded. With the aid of numerous illustrations, the normal radiological anatomy, anatomical variants, the typical and atypical radiological features of both common and uncommon diseases, and...
Radiology of the Pancreas discusses the diagnostic role of the various imaging modalities currently available for the assessment of pancreatic ...
Diagnose und Therapie von Durchblutungsstorungen bei Veranderungen der Arterien und Venen sind mit der Angiographie erkennbar, und ihre Behandlung ist planbar geworden. Neue Techniken der Bildgebung wie Ultraschall oder MR-Angiographie haben die Moglichkeiten der Fruherkennung erweitert und Verlaufsuntersuchungen ohne Invasivitat moglich gemacht. Zusammen mit Anamnese und korperlicher Untersuchung ist die Bildanalyse Grundlage jeglicher planbarer Behandlung von Gefasskrankheiten. Daher hat sich die Behandlung vieler Lasionen sofort im Angiographieraum entwickelt. Die Indikationen zu...
Diagnose und Therapie von Durchblutungsstorungen bei Veranderungen der Arterien und Venen sind mit der Angiographie erkennbar, und ihre Behandlung ist...