Significant recent advances in the imaging of the lower urinary tract are comprehensively presented in this handbook. It offers information on both imaging examinations and interventional techniques with all the modern modalities, including MRI and ultrasound. The contributors are all experts in clinical urology; their varying and at times conflicting opinions track the fast-moving pace in the field and demonstrate the complexity of the subject. The approach is disease-oriented, though grouped by anatomic region. Each chapter covers etiology, physiology, pathology, epidemiology, clinical...
Significant recent advances in the imaging of the lower urinary tract are comprehensively presented in this handbook. It offers information on both im...
The methods of interventional neuroradiology represent a distinct and difficult branch with in the new field of interventional radiology. The editor of this volume, Anton Valavanis, is a pioneer in this area, and one of the outstanding neuroradiologists in the world. Furthermore, he has brought together the foremost scientists and clinical neuroradiologists in the field to present the individual chapters. The book gives an overview ofthe state of the art in interventional neuroradiology. Each of the 12 chapters is devoted to a disease which can be treated by interventional neuroradio logical...
The methods of interventional neuroradiology represent a distinct and difficult branch with in the new field of interventional radiology. The editor o...
For a long time the morphologic diagnosis of diseases of the pancreas - which is the most hidden organ of the abdomen - by means of radiologic methods was inade quate. Diagnostic radiology of pancreatic diseases has been revolutionized by new cross-sectional methods such as computed tomography with volume CT scanning, further progress in ultrasonography in the form of color duplex Doppler, and magnetic resonance imaging. Therefore we had the idea of publishing an up-to-date treatise on radiology of the pancreas in order to convey the contributions made by various new imaging modalities for...
For a long time the morphologic diagnosis of diseases of the pancreas - which is the most hidden organ of the abdomen - by means of radiologic methods...
In diesem Band werden alle Teile des Gastrointestinaltraktes durch international anerkannte Spezialisten behandelt und alle modernen bildgebenden Verfahren erfasst. Neben dem Schwerpunkt der konventionellen Rontgendiagnostik werden die neuen bildgebenden Verfahren wie Ultraschall, Computer- und Kernspintomographie einbezogen. Besonderer Wert wurde auf das Doppelkontrastverfahren des gesamten Gastrointestinaltraktes gelegt. Auch die Belange der modernen Endoskopie, sowie Besonderheiten im Kindesalter werden gewertet. Das hervorragende Bildmaterial erleichtert die Nutzung der...
In diesem Band werden alle Teile des Gastrointestinaltraktes durch international anerkannte Spezialisten behandelt und alle modernen bildgebend...