Spectral methods, particularly in their multidomain version, have become firmly established as a mainstream tool for scientific and engineering computation. While retaining the tight integration between the theoretical and practical aspects of spectral methods that was the hallmark of their 1988 book, Canuto et al. now incorporate the many improvements in the algorithms and the theory of spectral methods that have been made since then.
This second new treatment, Evolution to Complex Geometries and Applications to Fluid Dynamics, provides an extensive overview of the essential...
Spectral methods, particularly in their multidomain version, have become firmly established as a mainstream tool for scientific and engineering com...
The purpose of the volume is to provide a support textbook for a second lecture course on Mathematical Analysis. The contents are organised to suit, in particular, students of Engineering, Computer Science and Physics, all areas in which mathematical tools play a crucial role. The basic notions and methods concerning integral and differential calculus for multivariable functions, series of functions and ordinary differential equations are presented in a manner that elicits critical reading and prompts a hands-on approach to concrete applications. The pedagogical layout echoes the one used in...
The purpose of the volume is to provide a support textbook for a second lecture course on Mathematical Analysis. The contents are organised to suit, i...
The purpose of the volume is to provide a support for a first course in Mathematics. The contents are organised to appeal especially to Engineering, Physics and Computer Science students, all areas in which mathematical tools play a crucial role. Basic notions and methods of differential and integral calculus for functions of one real variable are presented in a manner that elicits critical reading and prompts a hands-on approach to concrete applications. The layout has a specifically-designed modular nature, allowing the instructor to make flexible didactical choices when planning an...
The purpose of the volume is to provide a support for a first course in Mathematics. The contents are organised to appeal especially to Engineering, P...