In a time of multiprocessor machines, message switching networks and process control programming tasks, the foundations of programming distributed systems are among the central challenges for computing sci enti sts. The foundati ons of di stributed programming compri se all the fasci nating questions of computing science: the development of adequate com putational , conceptual and semantic model s for distributed systems, specification methods, verification techniques, transformation rules, the development of suitable representations by programming languages, evaluation and execution of...
In a time of multiprocessor machines, message switching networks and process control programming tasks, the foundations of programming distributed sys...
In computing science design plays an eminently important role. By now, it is quite clear that the issue of proper design of programs within a formal calculus is one of the most interesting and most difficult parts of computing science. Many demanding problems have to be envisaged here such as notations, rules and calculi, and the study of semantic models. We are 'far away from comprehensive and widely accepted solutions in these areas. Discussions at the summer school have clearly shown that people have quite different perspectives and priorities with respect to these three main areas. There...
In computing science design plays an eminently important role. By now, it is quite clear that the issue of proper design of programs within a formal c...