In den Gipsfibeln I (Freuler, Wiedmer, Bianchini: Springer 1975) und II (Wiedmer, Freuler, Bianchini: Springer 1976) sind die an unserer Klinik geliiufigen Fixationen und Extensionen der konserva tiven Behandlung von Verletzungen des Bewegungsapparates darge stellt worden. Es lag deshalb nahe, auch fiir die operativen Verfahren eine Nachbehandlungsfibel zu verfassen. Ohne korrekte Nachbehandlung, ohne richtige Lagerung, ohne kor rekte Schienung, besonders ohne perfekten Gipsverband wiihrend der richtigen Verweildauer wird das Ergebnis orthopiidisch-trauma tologischer Operationen zunichte...
In den Gipsfibeln I (Freuler, Wiedmer, Bianchini: Springer 1975) und II (Wiedmer, Freuler, Bianchini: Springer 1976) sind die an unserer Klinik geliiu...
The publication of this Cast Manual is very timely. Technological advances made in the past two decades have resulted in increased popularization of open reduction and internal fixation in the treat ment of long bone fractures. Due primarily to incorrect application of those techniques, it has become increasingly apparent that its routine and casual use can result in complications - oftentimes of catastrophic nature. Students and practitioners of orthopedics must keep uppermost in their minds that osteogenesis takes place spontaneously through an orderly and physiological process. Surgical...
The publication of this Cast Manual is very timely. Technological advances made in the past two decades have resulted in increased popularization of o...