Wer die Entwicklung des chirurgischen Problems Hiatushernie in den letzten 25 Jahren miterlebt hat, muss erstaunt und etwas verwirrt sich Rechenschaft von der Wandlung fast aller unserer Anschauungen geben. Statt einer anatomischen Fehlbildung behandeln wir heute eine funktionelle Erkrankung, statt der Hernie die Refluxkrankheit, und selbst die heute noch ge brauchten Eingriffe wie die Fundoplicatio verdanken ihre Wirksamkeit nicht - wie wir alle fruher glaubten - einer mechanischen Ventilwirkung, sondern ihrer muscularen Ver starkerfunktion. Die Autoren hoffen, durch eine sorgfaltige Analyse...
Wer die Entwicklung des chirurgischen Problems Hiatushernie in den letzten 25 Jahren miterlebt hat, muss erstaunt und etwas verwirrt sich Rechenschaft...
Pitch (i.e., fundamental frequency FO and fundamental period TO) occupies a key position in the acoustic speech signal. The prosodic information of an utterance is predominantly determined by this parameter. The ear is more sensitive to changes of fundamental frequency than to changes of other speech signal parameters by an order of magnitude. The quality of vocoded speech is essentially influenced by the quality and faultlessness of the pitch measure ment. Hence the importance of this parameter necessitates using good and reliable measurement methods. At first glance the task looks simple:...
Pitch (i.e., fundamental frequency FO and fundamental period TO) occupies a key position in the acoustic speech signal. The prosodic information of an...
It gives me particular pleasure to write the foreword to this book; this is largely due to the fact that I have devoted a substantial part of my life to the improve ment of the methods used in ophthalmic research. Rarely has one of my students taken the opportunity of dealing systematically with the possibilities of these methods. Dr. Eisner is, however, one of these exceptions. First, he has substantially improved the indentation contact glass; secondly, he has, with untiring enthusiasm, made a systematic collection of the normal and pathologic findings, which, with the help of the...
It gives me particular pleasure to write the foreword to this book; this is largely due to the fact that I have devoted a substantial part of my life ...