The geologie term "'Tethys" introduced by Eduard Suess (1893) into Reience waR originally a paleogeographic one. Since its original des eription it has been used in various ways. One of them is Tethys as a paleo-biogeographie eoneept. This eoneept was adopted for IGCP Project 262, Tethyan Cretaeeous Correlation. It was proposed by G. CSASZAR and Heim; A. KOLLMANN and has been approved by the IGCP Board in February 1987. The projeet haR its aimH primarily in the improvement of the stra tigraphie cOl'relation between the heterogenous faeies of the Tethyan realm. The requests to paleontology in...
The geologie term "'Tethys" introduced by Eduard Suess (1893) into Reience waR originally a paleogeographic one. Since its original des eription it ha...