The book aims at giving an overview of current methods in engineering mechanics of FRP components and structures as well as hybrid components and structures. Main emphasis is on basic micro and macro mechanics of laminates. Long as well as short fibre composites are studied, and criteria for different kinds of rupture are treated. Micromechanical considerations for material characterization and mechanisms of static ductile and brittle rupture are studied, as well as FRP structures under thermal and dynamic loading programs. Optimum design and manufacture situations are described as well. The...
The book aims at giving an overview of current methods in engineering mechanics of FRP components and structures as well as hybrid components and stru...
The Symposium was initiated in 1977 by Dr. M. G. CHABERT, Directeur des plans et programmes du C. E. T. I. M. His death, which occurred a few weeks before the Symposium, was deeply felt by all participants, who decided to dedicate this volume to his memory. The purpose, as set out by Dr. CHABERT, was to bring together people speaking the language of research and the language of industry in discussing problems of structural analysis. The Centre Technique des Industries M~caniques (C. E. T. I. M. ) at Sen1is was considered a suitable place for organizing such a meeting. Modern structural...
The Symposium was initiated in 1977 by Dr. M. G. CHABERT, Directeur des plans et programmes du C. E. T. I. M. His death, which occurred a few weeks be...
The Symposium originated in a proposal made in 1969 by Professor A. A. Ilyushin, Moscow. A study group (chairman J. Hult), appointed by the General Assembly of IUTAM in 1971, suggested in areport to the Bureau of IUTAM in 1972 that the following topics should form the basis of the scientific program: 1) Limits of linearized theories and effective versions of the non-linear theory of viscoelasticity 2) Theory of experimental studies in linear and non-linear viscoelasticity aiming at the determination of consti- tutive equations and conditions of strength and failure under an arbitrary...
The Symposium originated in a proposal made in 1969 by Professor A. A. Ilyushin, Moscow. A study group (chairman J. Hult), appointed by the General As...