A family reunited after a twenty-year estrangement, will discover secrets that change their lives forever...Gabriella Jacques, is happy to be back in her childhood home, Villa Espoir in the South of France ready to embrace fresh experiences with friends new and old and to heal some deep family scars. Recently widowed Harriet Rogers, hopes to rebuild her family life and reconnect with Elodie, the daughter she abandoned into her mother Gabby’s care to follow her heart. But when an acquaintance from the past seeks her out, Harriet fears a secret from her past will ruin her plans. Elodie...
A family reunited after a twenty-year estrangement, will discover secrets that change their lives forever...Gabriella Jacques, is happy to be back in ...
A family reunited after a twenty-year estrangement, will discover secrets that change their lives forever...Gabriella Jacques, is happy to be back in her childhood home, Villa Espoir in the South of France ready to embrace fresh experiences with friends new and old and to heal some deep family scars. Recently widowed Harriet Rogers, hopes to rebuild her family life and reconnect with Elodie, the daughter she abandoned into her mother Gabby’s care to follow her heart. But when an acquaintance from the past seeks her out, Harriet fears a secret from her past will ruin her plans. Elodie...
A family reunited after a twenty-year estrangement, will discover secrets that change their lives forever...Gabriella Jacques, is happy to be back in ...
A family reunited after a twenty-year estrangement, will discover secrets that change their lives forever...Gabriella Jacques, is happy to be back in her childhood home, Villa Espoir in the South of France ready to embrace fresh experiences with friends new and old and to heal some deep family scars. Recently widowed Harriet Rogers, hopes to rebuild her family life and reconnect with Elodie, the daughter she abandoned into her mother Gabby’s care to follow her heart. But when an acquaintance from the past seeks her out, Harriet fears a secret from her past will ruin her plans. Elodie...
A family reunited after a twenty-year estrangement, will discover secrets that change their lives forever...Gabriella Jacques, is happy to be back in ...